Friday, March 9, 2012

first day of Study Tour (Bogor-Yogyakarta-Semarang)

I had a great time in Yogyakarta , on march 5th my school started our first day of Study Tour (Bogor-Yogyakarta-Semarang) we spent almost 14 hours to reach our hotel in Yogyakarta . The girls stayed in Heryon Hotel , as we arrived at the hotel we took a bath and go straight to alun - alun . I had the unforgettable moment when my friends ( poppy and roro ) and I rode a bicycle , there was something wrong with its chain Idontknowwhattocallit* on the first track it caused a lil problem but at least I had a story to be told when we grow older chuckles*
3 girls on a bike with Fajar fixing the chain

we rode the bicycle for 4 tracks and got tired . going back to the hotel by a pedicab and off to bed at about 1 am .

not enough time at alun-alun , can't wait to be back

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Post As A High School Student :D

It's been years since last time I posted things
So many Homework , project , presentations , exams have been done in the first semester
as a Sophomore we're given tons of assignments that lead us to class science or social
I'm not that confused , I 'm really into science
besides academic education I have more activities
After being a basketball player in junior high school , I started
to learn playing softball
I have just sparred with smanli , It was my first to be in third base .
Although We didn't win with the score 4-1 We learned new things
" How often we practice the theory , it is important to follow the situation of the game "

Dancing , what do you think of dancing ?
isn't it fun ? IT IS
Dancing is my new world , I used to watch dancers making some moves , remixing songs , designing new costumes , many else
But now I'm the dancer Of Cosmo 11 , One of popular non
-academic activities in my school
So far I have taken 2 dance competitions , none of them leading us to be the winner
Experience is what we need
we ( my team ) are new in dancing , we started the basic from the ze
Designing the costumes , looking for competitions , practicing after school ends need patience
but we always try our best

See ? High school is full of unforgettable moments
more friends , more experiences , more lessons , more homew
ork also -___-
Can't believe second semester of my sophomore year ends in june
we don't know what will happen next

it's Sunday , let's face the biology test tomorrow I'll do my best :D
Team Building in Puncak

My Classmates

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fokusss ALISHA

oke kata tmen gw UAN SMP akan di laksanakan pada akhir bulan MAret gilaaaaaa ..... Bentarrr lagi dong How could it Be ??????? okeee Alishaaa lu emg harus bnerbner fokus sama UAN dan SMA yg di tuju tapi kok gw masih bingung yaa mau masuk SMA mana , pokonya benerbener belajar UAn tuh ngga main-main RAIHAN ALISHA NABILA okehhh belajar jangan main terus buka twitter lah , ngedesign di looklet dan segala macem .....Jadi intinya RAJIN_RAJINLAH BELAJAR JUGA JANGAN LUPA SALAT DAN BERDOA

Monday, November 9, 2009


no time to watch some movies with my friends no time to be lazy no time to watch TV
no time to watch football matches

all no time except salat ,yeah of course i must do it

now i'm a 9th grader
i have to study harder to pass all the exams at school
i have to improve my english
and many more

I'm tired
i want to go to somewhere
a place that will make me feel free :D

okay change the topic
maybe some people hate MONDAY
but me I LOVE MONDAY so much :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Idul Fitri 1430 H

i know it's too late to post this

but i think don't matter when we say it

" Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin "

Flashback : On September 20th 2009 at 7.00 am we prayed first at Mesjid Bogor Baru after that i went to my grandparents's house there i apologized to my parents , my grandparents , my brothers , and people who are older than me and of course i got some money (we called it THR) .....
okay it's a short story hehe :D's Sunday Evening and i'm doing the homeworks and preparing for some presentations
before it i played basketball at gujir with my friends (Ambar and Givti)
enough for today
i hope tomorrow will be a nice day

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I need holiday !

ummmmm i want holiday so bad
just staying at home whattttt uhh so boring
me : after reading kawanku magazine and there's an article about Grand Indonesia Shopping town
and i wanna go
anyone please take me to Grandi

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ceritany ginii waktu hari jumat gw ama tmen2 gw (asoka, gina, dini, avisha) pada mo nonton tuhhhh d BTM , Nonton Bcb film cowony asoka heheheh yahhh you know lahhh qta brangkat dari skola jam 11 lewat  nah cerita luchu mulai nihhh qta padda mo bayar angkot seribu tp qta smuaaaa pada ribut2 kgk ad yg mau ngasih duitny ke c supir angkot akhirnya adaaa ibu2 yg merasa kasihan padda kamiiii mau membayar ongkos kitaaa wadduhhh lumayan tuh nyampe 2500 truz qta blg terima kasih banyak ke siii ibbuuu ituuu duhhh si  ibu teh malaikat wat qta hheheh :) ,,,,,paz qta nyampe diii pintuuu masukkk qta n nak2 smphe laen loom di ijinin msk behhh qta kessell abbiz   n pada akhirnya qta dpt iddeee dan slh seorang dr qta harus masuk n beli tiket duluan biar kgk keabisan getttuu tappi yg braniii cumma asoka n gina....duhhh emg kgk tw malluu heheheh (peace .....soka ...gina b canda kok ) truz asokka nemu ibu2 truz blg bu mau gak pura2 jadi ibu saya ....truz si ibu said duhhh ngga dehhh takut ketauan ......behhhhh bebebrapa menit kmdn asoka n gina beraksi lagiii ada mba2 yg mau pura2 jadiii kakak c sokka bagus dehhhh tapi unfortunately qta c satpam kgk ijinin msk n semua mata tertuju padda soka n ginnna   adhhhhhh mallu dehhhh qta truz pngn plg cba jadinyaaaa haduhhhh hadduhhh tp kgk jadi n ittu semua di lakuin demi nonton afgan......truz tiba2 seorang gina melihat ibunyyyyy dannnnn kamuuu ketahuannnnn (baccany kyk nada lagu ketahuan mata) duhhhh gina d carekan dehhhhh duhhh duhhh laen kaliiii ati2 yaaa ginnnn n ibuny gina blg ke dinni titip ginnna yaaaaa okkeee qta jaga gina dgn baikkkk truz kira2 jam 11.50 nak2 berseragam skola di ijinin masukkkk termasuk qtaaaaa gw , dini, avisha mah keatas ehhhh c sokka ama gina ke bawah jiaahhhh ( menghindari satpam ) ! LOL truz akhirnyaaaa c sokka yg lariii ke atas duluan n sekalian beli tiket ..................beruntung qta langsung dpt tiket n sokka langsung berlari ke studio 1 (napsuuu mo nonton apgan ...hehehe kidding) truz ternyata film bloom mulai jadiii gw ,avicha, soka beli popcorn dullu n stelah ituuuu qta nonton dehhh tuh pilem ..........truz paz bagian afgan nyanyi asoka teriak afgan .....n nontonny duarius bgt saluut gw ama diaaaa benerrr2 afganismeeee sejatee Flying applause deh gw wat diaaa..................seleseee qtaaaa nonton qta ke toilet tappiii penuhnyaaa itu lohhh kgk nahannn.............akhirnyaaaa qtaaa semua pulang dehhhh dini sama asoka, gw ama icha , n gina sendiri( ati2 yaaa neng)............dan skarang cerita jadiii berubahhhh dikit nihhhh...paz perjalannan pulang gw ammaaa icha di gencet ama pengamen yaaa emg masihh pada kecil2 dan gw jg kasihaaan ama mereka tapiii minta nyaaa sambilll nyubit gwww huhuhu gw jadiii takuuttt 

Okeee dehhh begitulah perjuangan qta wat nonton afgan walau cuma jadi cameo / guest appearance doang  

dannn se engga nyaaaa qtaaa puas ama film nyaaa :)


ngantuk gw 

Good Night ,,, Have a Nice Dream yaaaa
